What does it mean Wilderness?
Wild nature unmodified by human activity.
What is Mountain Wilderness?
Mountain Wilderness is an associaton in defense of the High Mountain open to everyone, without profit, which was born to defend the mountain environment and the sense of experience in the mountains. The association also promote a reform of the culture of the mountaineer spirit.
Where and how was it born?
In November 1987, the Italian Academic Alpine Club and the Sella Foundation presented the proposal to create Mountain Wilderness - Mountaineers from around the world in defense of the mountain - to determine the state of degradation of the mountain environment and existing threats. Climbers participated in the discussions of all nations and as a result of the works was drafted a final document, Biella's thesis, which established the creation of the Association, its goals and purposes. In this assembly chose 21 guarantors responsible for promoting initiatives and goals throughout Mountain Wilderness. They are the testimony to the faithfulness of Biella's thesis.
What are their your goals?
- Protect the last uncontaminated places and natural resources of the mountain.
- Recovering compromised areas that can still be saved.
- Promoting growth of environmental awareness of everyone who is related to the mountain.
How does it work?
The main activities are in Mountain Wilderness actions; some emblematic nature serve to attract attention and promote a stance on threats to the mountains or on the wrongs that have been produced in several places. Others are factual: for example, finding out a project of destabilizing the environment, it makes an appropriate action to block it or reduce its effects. In any event, the action foresees the involvement of members of Mountain Wilderness: personal involvement makes the manifestation is effective and forceful, and can be coupled with other initiatives, such as collecting signatures, complaints, etc. In addition to stocks, there is also activity report: by projections, publications, conventions, press campaigns, Mountain Wilderness who want to provoke frequents the mountain, at any level, an awareness of the need stop the exploitation speculative increasingly extensive and aggravated the mountainous surroundings.
How Mountain Wilderness Catalonia was born?
At the initiative of Jordi Pons, guarantor of the International Association on 19 June 1989 becomes a constituent meeting of Mountain Wilderness Catalonia at the headquarters of the Federation of Trekkers in Catalonia, with the assistance of people below: Josep Barberà i Suqué - Josep Barrachina i Pérez - Òscar Cadiach i Puig - Joan Ignasi Castelló i Vidal - Emili Civis i Abad - Jordi Colomer i Gallego - Josep Escartín i Escobar - Marta Ferrusola i Lladó - J.M. Figueras i Anmella - Manuel Fontanet i Menéndez - Joan Garrigós i Toro - Ramon Llorens i Ibarz - Lluís Paluzie i Mir - Pau Pérez Pedró - Jordi Pons Sanjinès - Jaume Ramon i Morros - Andreu Ribera i March- Francesc Robert i Graupera - Joan Rodes i Bagant - Josep Mª Sala i Albareda - Josep Sicart i Tauler.
Who can join Mountain Wilderness Catalonia?
The association is open to everyone; just love the mountains and fight specifically wanted to save it and keep it intact for those who come behind us and ourselves. According to the statutes there can only belong to individuals; excludes legal persons. The mountains we need today is more urgent than ever. The mountains are part of uncontaminated places of the earth, and are therefore included in the vital heritage of all men. Mountain Wilderness Catalonia, faithful to the thesis of Biella, participates in developing the necessary strategies in defense of the mountains and collaborates in international actions needed.
How we finance actions we do?
Our main source of income is the annual contributions of our affiliates allowing us to act with complete independence and in benefit only of the original objectives of the organization.
For this reaseon it's so important that if you love the mountains help us to preserve them!